Blog Features
Shaken by loss, Christina Rollins found a path out of anguish through powerlifting. The sport, and community she has found within, have helped empower a mindset grounded by her strong sense of self. As a visual and vocal advocate for diminished voices, Christina represents a movement.
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Against the odds, Malcolm Lemmons achieved his dream to become a professional basketball player. His journey ultimately led him on a mission to impact others beyond the game as an entrepreneur, author, and advocate for mental health.
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Life changed for Ben Skinner the moment they realized that society’s rules on gender, and expectations of who they were and who they could be, were arbitrary. The catalyst that led to accepting their authentic, non-binary self? Rugby.
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Striving for excellence in the world of dance requires intense skill, athleticism and discipline. Less talked about are the mental health challenges that many people face.
Called to serve the needs of African-American, Latinx, and inner-city youth in the Greater Philadelphia area, Jazmine (Jaz) Smith created Eyekonz Field Hockey and Lacrosse. The program is a product of her life experiences, and its impact reaches well beyond the game.
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